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The medical practice of a diagnostician involves the search for modern equipment in the doctor’s office.

diagnostic portable device with high testing accuracy for a doctor’s service with a connection to a web clinic is already a market necessity.

You can buy a diagnostic mobile device for a private doctor at Business Process Technologies

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The program will allow you to work with the client faster,

more conveniently and with better quality during electropuncture testing, will give you the opportunity to more accurately find out the state of health and determine a recovery plan,

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The hardware-software complex has the following capabilities News section with the latest updates of the program; Registry — a file of test takers with a link to all testing sessions; Reference book of a specialist — a list of pathological conditions of a person with a database of algorithms for conducting research;

Rapid webwellness test includes

Selection of drugs; Product selection; Electropuncture diagnostics; Vegetative resonance test; Bioresonance impact technology; Automatic compilation of complexes for BRT devices based on test results; Multilingual and multiplatform; Selector database of APK, consisting of more than 36,000 markers for testing and replication; A unique self-improvement mechanism. A neural network system that improves testing systems by itself, selects the best results for restoring health, etc.

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General condition, degree of risk of the main systems Bar graph of 47 organs and systems.

Dynamics of the Projection on the skin by Zakharyin-Ged zones; Spine, Ranking. Imbalance system, Energy system (chakrogram) Aurogram, Probable burdens, Biological age indicating the causes of premature aging, Vitamins, Heavy metals.

Product selection. Zodiac Diet. etiological factors. Affected organs and systems.

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